Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Last additions - Naval Base Christmas Parties
1967183 viewsI am on the left looking a wee bit unsure!Nov 21, 2020
1968170 viewsStanding right to left Ann Wilson, my mum Margaret Brown
Sitting facing the camera right to left; ?, Stephen Wilson, myself in with my hair in bunches wearing a lovely lemon party dress.
Nov 21, 2020
1969180 viewsBack from left to right with seats facing the camera: my friend Sally Anne Walker, myself with a small ponytail at the top of my hair and wearing a beautiful aqua dress with a white colour with embroidery, a boy in my class. Front second from left Deborah Mannion.
I do not remember any of the other children in the photo apart from the fact the girl 3rd from the left wearing a party hat had beautiful long red hair.
Nov 21, 2020
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