Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

1st Btn The Royal Highland Fusiliers
1st Btn The Royal Highland Fusiliers at Nee Soon Ranges 1972.
My thanks to Robert Bryan for this photo.
Keywords: Robert Bryan;Nee Soon;Royal Highland Fusiliers;1972

1st Btn The Royal Highland Fusiliers

1st Btn The Royal Highland Fusiliers at Nee Soon Ranges 1972.
My thanks to Robert Bryan for this photo.

1964_St_Johns_School_for_children_of_British_servicemen_in_Singapore_scale_1x_amq-13.mp4 1st_Btn_The_Royal_Highland_Fusiliers.jpg AGS_Speech_Day_-_July_1958.pdf Alexandra_Infants.jpg Alexandra_Infants_2.jpg