Image search results - "1964"

1964-Changi Sea Scouts, The Pier, RAF Changi84 views

1964- Hi-Hi house to house vendor, RAF Changi72 views

1964-Spitfire, RAF Changi69 views

National Theatre 1964236 views



1964229 viewsRiver Valley Road and Clemenceau Avenue junction in front of the National Theatre.

3rd year Chemistry.353 viewsWhen Alex Grammar moved to the new St John's in 1964, it included 3rd years, hence three of the classroom photos. From the following year the 3rd years stayed at Bourne School.

Kinloss House273 viewsI'm at the back with the blond hair. If anybody can identify the others in these two photos, I'd be grateful.
Christine (Cookie) Molendo, Kinloss 1963-5, thinks that The lad with the tie, is probably Bobby Goodman.
Lindy Ryanor has said, I believe the younger boy on the left outside the Galahad dorms, is my brother Clive Raynor it would have been 1964/65.

81 sqdn hanger 1964158 views

Angela O'Neill 1964396 views

Barman - Dockyard Club Xmas 64186 views