Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Image search results - "Church"
Wesley Methodist Church on Fort Canning Hill, 196751 views
1988-Changi Camp-St George's C of E Church at the corner of Farnborough Road and Cranwell Road76 views
East Coast Road448 viewsEast Coast Road. near Katong Church
St. George's Garrison Church 1969205 views
St. George's Garrison Church 2009279 viewsJohn Hyde said in his email "My wife and I recently returned to Singapore for our 40th wedding anniversary and had our photo taken outside the Church prior to attending the service. Padre Philip Sinden made us most welcomed and invited us up to say a few words as an encouragement to all the married people in our midst! We managed, just, as we were a bit choked up as you can imagine.

I was with 3 Commando Brigade RM and Sue was with 4 Company WRAC from 68 until 71."
Wesley Methodist Church on Fort Canning Hill, 196747 views
Armenian Church236 views
Catholic Church, Tanglin Barracks 1966203 viewsCatholic Church, Tanglin Barracks 1966.The Banana tree bottom right of picture stands in what was then my back garden
RAF Tengah St. Michaels Church Choir 1955/56.197 viewsThomas Gilbert was stationed at Tengah 1954/1956 and ran the Cub Pack and the Church Choir. The photo is of St. Michaels Church Choir 1955/56. The Chaplain was the Revd Sqdn Ldr Derek Brookes.
Michael S. Arnold wrote to say. "I think Pat Midgley is front right but I am pretty sure that the girl on the back left is Joan Littlewood and it was her house that the jet crashed into in early 56, she escaped by jumping in to a monsoon ditch."
Festival of Carols and Lessons St George's Garrison Church207 viewsFestival of Carols and Lessons St George's Garrison Church December 1967 (I was in the church choir)
Church of Blessed Sacrament, Queenstown290 views
Church of Blessed Sacrament, Queenstown271 views2009 photo thanks to Lam Chun See
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