Memories of Singapore

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Image search results - "courts of hell"
The Guardians of the courts of Hell 143 viewsThe Guardians of the courts of Hell
Guardians of the courts of Hell142 viewsGuardians of the courts of Hell
Bridge in to Hell and the courts145 viewsThose to be judged cross the bridge in to Hell and the courts
1st Court- King Qinguang136 views1st Court - King Qinguang conducts preliminary trials
2nd Court - King Chujiang152 viewsConmen, robbers, inflicting physical injury are thrown into a volcano pit
2nd Court - King Chujiang128 viewsProstitutes are thrown into a pool of blood and drowned
2nd Court - King Chujiang135 viewsFor corruption, stealing and gambling one is frozen into blocks of ice
3rd court - King Songdi133 viewsUngratefulness, disrespect to elders or escape from prison have their heart cut-out

Drug addiction & traffickers

Tomb robbers are tied to a red hot copper pillar and grilled
3rd court - King Songdi140 views
4th court - King Wuguan141 viewsFor tax dodging, a refusal to pay rent or commit business fraud results in being pounded by a stone mallet
4th court - King Wuguan142 viewsDisobedience to one's siblings or lack of filial piety results in being ground up by a large stone
5th court - King Yanluo130 viewsPlotting another's death for his property or money or money lenders with exorbitant interest rates results in being thrown onto a hill of knives
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