Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Image search results - "dee morton"
Charity Football Match Press Report217 viewsCharity Football Match Press Report
The girls team in a charity football match251 viewsThe girls team including back row Dee Morton, 2, Linda Sims, 4, and Laura Gilbert Can anyone identify 2 and 4 in the line up L to R?

Front L to R Jemima Reed, Linda Kelloway, Pam Kelloway, Linda Musgrove ? Pauline Jackson, Sue Le Maux. Can anyone identify the person with the flag?
The girls team in a charity football match211 views
Laura Gilbert and Dee Morton280 viewsLaura Gilbert and Dee Morton
Laura Gilbert Dee Morton Linda Sims Pam Kelloway280 viewsLaura Gilbert Dee Morton Linda Sims Pam Kelloway

Anyone know where Linda or Pam are? Laura and I would love to get back in touch
Laura Gilbert, Pam Kelloway, Dee Morton and Linda Sims288 viewsLaura Gilbert, Pam Kelloway, Dee Morton and Linda Sims
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