Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Image search results - "ford factory museum"
Ford Factory Museum140 viewsThe walk to the surrender chamber from the from the main entrance
Ford Factory Museum140 viewsInside the surrender chamber, (the Board Room), this are the actual table and some of the chairs.
Ford Factory Museum131 viewsAnother view of the surrender chamber taken from the opposite corner, note the time on the clock, the exact time the surrender document was signed.
Ford Factory Museum129 viewsAs previous but slightly to the left to show the wall map. The photo on the left (table) is of the signing while that on the right is of the British approaching the factory
Ford Factory Museum140 viewsJapanese bicycles used in the invasion of Malaya and then Singapore
Ford Factory Museum141 viewsLieutenant General Percival and Lieutenant General Yamashita Tomoyika
Ford Factory Museum138 viewsChair from the supreme court symbolising the transfer of British seat of power to the Japanese with the establishment of the Japanese Judicial system
Ford Factory Museum140 viewsJapanese occupation money, (I actually have one of the $10 notes
Ford Factory Museum142 viewsThe outside of the old factory as it is today
Ford Factory Museum140 viewsThe peace garden that has now been created in the grounds
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