Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Image search results - "ian vale"
Tom, Shayne and Ian316 viewsTaken in Tom O'Brien's back garden. Left - Tom, middle - Shayne Terry, right - Ian Vale.
Jim, Jane, Ann and me405 viewsThis photo is a bit of a mystery. I've written on the back, Jim, Jane, Anne and Me. I vaguely remember Jim and even more vaguely remember Anne and Jane, but can't quite place them. I think Ann is sitting next to me.
Ian and Ron333 viewsTaken on the Southern Islands somewhere. In the last days I was there, we went out there quite frequently, usually spending 2 or 3 days on these deserted islands. The other guy in the photo is Ron, who was a local and the roadie with my band.
Ian and Mary426 viewsI would love to track Mary down again.
Ian and Mary488 viewsTaken during my final days in Singapore. I'd damaged my hand and wrist and spent about 7 weeks recovering at home. Can't remember Mary's surname, but she was from Dunfermline in Scotland.
Chip Bee Flats616 viewsTaken under the flats at Chip Bee Estate. Janet Cole, Ian Vale and Shayne Terry
School Bus 470 viewsCatching the School bus home from St. Johns. Tom O'Brien and Ian Vale.
Bourne School 1964 - Class 2397 viewsThanks to David Vickers who submitted this photo of Class 2 taken in the Autumn of 1964. On the front row 2nd from left is Lynn Fallon, whose camera was used to take this photo. Lynn adds that Front Row 1st left is Gillian (Warburton?), 3rd left - Karen Doollan (aka Charlie)4th left - Valerie Cann, 5th Left - Helen Wilkinson and on the end she thinks Barbara Oliver. Back Row 3rd Left - Alan Blackburn. David Vickers is on the back row 2nd from right. David Robbins has identified himself on the back row, 2nd left.
Diane Vale & Sonia Drake305 views
Diane Vale224 views
Taken at the Singapore Hilton250 viewsJoanne Frew, Yvonne Haslem, Sonia Drake and Diane Vale.
Taken at the Singapore Hilton246 viewsJoanne Frew, Yvonne Haslem, Sonia Drake and Diane Vale.
19 files on 2 page(s) 1