Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Image search results - "ian williams"
30th Singapore RAF Tengah Cub Pack263 viewsSome of the 30th Singapore RAF Tengah Cub Pack on Empire Day 1955 outside the Tengah Primary School. We used to hold our meetings in the school hall on a Wednesday after school.
The boys from left to right are Barry Mc Williams, Brian Knight,Cliff Hilton, Ray Handley, Robert Taylor, Eddie Dore, Lawrence Taylor, Tom Herbert (whom I have had contact with), Chris Herbert, Harry Dempsey, Randall Hammond and Peter Brown.
Bourne School - 1966235 viewsBourne School - 1966

Back Row - Splodge, Graham Wakeling, Dougie Dymond, Roy Dyball, Steven Vivien, Paul Starbuck, Ian Williams. Front Row - Kama Thapa, Gordon Thompson, Alan Sharp.
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