Ann Young & Bengo311 viewsAnn Young & Bengo -99 Jalan Kemuning 1969
Barry Thompson with sister Carol179 viewsBarry Thompson with sister Carol, taken 56 Jalan Kemuning - Mar 64
Carol grizzling with dad190 viewsCarol grizzling with dad. 56 Jalan Kemuning Sambawang Springs - May 64
Carol testing scooter, 56 Jalan Kemuning - Feb 65192 views
Carol Thompson on school bus Jalan Kemuning - Oct 64177 views
Dad with amah, 56 Jalan Kemuning, back garden - Feb 65195 views
Jalan Kemuning154 viewsView from our bungalow in Jalan Kemuning looking across to what I think was the Pover’s bungalow (Leslie Pover their daughter sculpted the new Nelson Trafalgar 200 statue in Portsmouth)
334 viewsMe, Neil McCabe, Ann-99 Jalan Kemuning
Mum Dad and Carol, 56 Jalan Kemuning164 views
Passing wildlife on a dull day, 56 Jalan Kemuning156 views