Image search results - "john mitchell"
Amoy177 viewsAmoy
Our Amah, Amoy, and her daughter Lai Fong (Moi Moi), at Lagos Circle. We would dearly like to hear something regarding Amoy or Lai Fong. Amoy had two other children (both boys).
Mobile Barber157 viewsMobile Barber
The mobile barber cutting our son Johns' hair in Jalan Salang
St. John's pupils taken in 1969.226 viewsMany thanks to Julie Mitchell for this photo of St. John's pupils taken in 1969.
Back left:- Christopher Tucker, Bill Peach, Stephen Lane, Michael Johnson, Howard Latty, Robin Cox (sadly missing one name here)
Front left:- myself, Julie Mitchell, Wendy Gummer, Denise Hamilton, Catherine Brown, Norma Grimmer, Colleen Dempsey.