Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Image search results - "keith"
Changi 1965452 viewsMarion Egan is front row in the middle.
Changi Infants 1965544 viewsThanks to Keith Egan for these next three school photos. His brother, Raymond Egan is front row first on the right. Their father, Gordon was in the Royal Air Force and they lived at 5 Siglap Drive, Frankel estate
Christmas Day 1959204 viewsChristmas Day 1959, on the patio of our bungalow at 35/4 Garlick Avenue. Left to right they are, Myself (Neil McCart), my brother Keith McCart, my brother Ian McCart and my sister Sheila McCart.
Mersing camping trip261 viewsMersing Nov. 1966.Keith ‘Ramrod’ Gordon and Ken Collins break camp.
287 viewsBack : Anna Googan, and possibly Colin Wenham

Middle: Hazel Beckwith, Keith Edwards (?), Mike Newham, Sandra Thwaites, Ian “Haggis” Roberts.

On Floor: ?
227 viewsKeith Edwards Mike Howell,?, ?, ?, Mike Newham, Ian “Haggis” Roberts.
Field Trip to Pulau Tioman – July 1967345 viewsBack from Kajang after being lost for three days. (L – R) Charles ‘Spud’ Leavey, George Paul, Ken Wildon, Keith Dear, Keith ‘Ramrod’ Gordon and Willy Taylor (who passed away 4-10-06)
Field Trip to Pulau Tioman – July 1967266 viewsKen Wildon and Keith ‘Ramrod’ Gordon post our cards home watched by a local village boy. The post only went once a week and we arrived home before it did!!!
Field Trip to Pulau Tioman – July 1967294 viewsReturn to St. John’s from Tioman – Ella Leavey (Charles’ mum) in foreground. Also visible are Keith ‘Ramrod’ Gordon, Mr Jones??? Geography teacher directing operations, and George Paul.
Field Trip to Pulau Tioman – July 1967273 viewsTioman July 1967 (L – R) Keith ‘Ramrod’ Gordon, Ken Wilden, Keith Dear, George Paul, Charles ‘Spud’ Leavey
Field Trip to Pulau Tioman – July 1967253 viewsKeith Gordon on balcony – Tioman 1967
Pulau Tioman 1970294 viewsPulau Tioman 1970

Thanks to Carol Dinnes for this photo of a trip to Pulau Tioman in 1970. Featured in the photo is Carol and Alan Dinnes. Brian Gibbs wrote in the Guest Book "I'm in the centre behind the mast, wearing a very wide rimmed hat. The two guys to my right (picture left) are Keith Greggor and Ian Cox. I think Carol is behind Keith. The guy on the extreme right of the photo is John (?) Tadman. I recognise the girl friend with him but not sure of her name - Andrea perhaps?"
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