Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Image search results - "kranji pool"
Dancing on the table by the Kranji pool.255 views
Me refusing to have my photo taken187 viewsMe refusing to have my photo taken lying on one of the poolside rattan chairs. The Kranji pool was just a short walk up the hill from our bungalow. We spent a lot of our time here. Once I was bitten on the face by a piedog and another time I got some glass embedded in my foot. Each time I was driven to the local medical centre in a dustcart!
D diving in Kranji pool.188 views
D jumping in Kranji pool.138 views
Kranji pool200 viewsKranji pool. The building behind was popularly known as "Rose Cottage!" Young female skeletons were discovered under it dating from the Japanese occupation. Our bungalow was down the hill behind this building.
Kranji swimming pool, Rose Cottage in background.185 views
Mum, d and i , Kranji pool.194 views
Kranji pool 1970/1208 views
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