Image search results - "pasir panjang junior school"

Pasir Panjang junior school sports day117 viewsPasir Panjang junior school sports day and features my sister, Gail Payne either before or after a race, in her house bib (V) standing on the right hand side of the photo and handily dated to the exact day it was taken.

1st Football Team 1969351 views1st Football Team 1969
the only boy I remember is Martin Cowley, fourth from left in the front row. This was a highly successful team: look at the trophies they won in 1969!

1st Netball Team 1969270 views1st Netball Team 1969
the only girl I remember is Jennifer Ridge (3rd from left, back row), eldest daughter of John Ridge, the art teacher.
Helen Walkerdene has identified herself on the back row far right. She said "Far left back row I believe is Mary Bowes, Beverley ???, then Jennifer Ridge and then me. Front row holding the ball possibly Lynne Gentry??"

Pasir Panjang junior school121 viewsPasir Panjang junior school featuring my sister Gail In her classroom (second from the back, close to the window)

2nd Football Team 1969360 views2nd Football Team 1969
Sadly none of the faces brings back the name!

2nd Netball Team 1966311 views2nd Netball Team 1966
Front row is Susan Haywayd, Diane and Wendy Haugh.

2nd Netball Team 1969259 views2nd Netball Team 1969
How sad! All the faces are so familiar but I can't remember any of the names.
Lesley Saunders has identified herself as being at the back, left side.

145 viewsMy brother Donny Payne outside in a class photo. He’s standing directly behind the female teacher not too long after we arrived so probably late 62/early 63,

1462 viewsMy brother Donny Payne outside in a class photo. He’s the boy with the exceedingly good tan.

Mr Brian Johns218 viewsMr Brian Johns, another good friend of Bill, taught at Pasir Panjang from 1964 and became deputy head at Nee Soon in 1969. He also was a talented artist and designed the lovely little cameo pictures that accompanied reports of school activities in the magazines.

Another colour picture, of my classroom272 viewsAnother colour picture, of my classroom on the first storey of the main block with me in traditional 'uniform'. These upper classrooms were cooler than those downstairs and mine had a little window at the other end through which I could show 35mm films from a projector in the adjoining store room. I borrowed films from the British Council

Class 2A 1964284 viewsClass 2A 1964. Some of my class of amazing bright and happy second-year juniors. Julia White is in the foreground with her lovely smile.
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