Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Image search results - "susan ridge"
View of Merdeka Bridge opened in August 1956189 views
Kent Ridge 1964178 viewsJohn Yates with sister Doris and Susan Davies (left) - Kent Ridge 1964
Another of my famous recorder groups.312 viewsAnother of my famous recorder groups. Christine Harral, seated third from the left, and I met for the first time in 44 years on 2nd March 2012 and had so much to catch up with over lunch that we spent three delightful hours together. Others in the group are Joanne Green, first on left in front row; Mandy Poole (I think) fourth; and, standing, two of John Ridge's daughters, Jennifer and Susan
recorder group in 1965295 viewsPicture shows some of my top, brilliant recorder group in 1965. Four of the girls in the front row are Susan Hayward, Susan Ridge, Judith Beeston and Jenny Tippett-Iles. The last two have got in touch since I sent in an earlier picture and the three of us met at my home in April, reminiscing and nattering for almost 6½ hours. We ended the meeting by playing one of the recorder tunes they performed at the concert pictured!

Christine Harral has been in touch, and identified herself as being on the front row 3rd from the left.
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