Last additions - Lou Watkins's Gallery

Achille Lauro 1968180 viewsThe Carnaby Street night party on board the Achille, August 1968Aug 13, 2017

Achille Lauro 1968187 viewsAchille Lauro, August 1968. Winning fancy dress group. We were red indians from the blackfoot tribe. Left to Right. Steve Edgecumbe, unknown, me, Fred, Cliff Andrews.Aug 13, 2017

Wellington Floods226 viewsView across to the Dockyard swimming pool taken at the same time as the football pitch floods showing how the drains couldn’t cope.Dec 10, 2013

Tiger & mickey177 viewsOur tomcat Tiger & Anna Googan’s female cat Mickey enjoying the sun, possibly after creating the kittens that Mickey had.Dec 10, 2013

View of St. John's178 viewsDec 10, 2013

The St. John's Railway Club201 viewsThe St. John's Railway Club layout at the school Open Day in 1968, the only person I can positively I.D. is Andrew Cole who is at the back right in shorts.Dec 10, 2013

Packing186 viewsMy mother writing the inventory of what possessions were going in which packing crate as the packers wrapped everything up in June 1968.Dec 10, 2013

Oronsay171 viewsThe best shot of the Oronsay I could get in the days before wide angle lenses.Dec 10, 2013