Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Chandos - 15 Nov 2014


12 files, last one added on Nov 19, 2014
Album viewed 114 times

Anna Googan


12 files, last one added on Jan 14, 2014
Album viewed 182 times

pompey reunion september 2016


10 files, last one added on Sep 15, 2016
Album viewed 98 times


3 albums on 1 page(s)

Random files - Anna Googan's Gallery
This photo is of the Chief Constructors Dept. (Naval Base circa 1968)164 viewsThe only information we have on this photo is some writing on the back which says - Mr Googan TG3 (C/M of Shipfitters) Prom (C). I also noticed that there is one small lady in the centre of the picture.
Jon, Linda247 viewsBFES Singapore Schools Reunion, 13 September 2016 at Portsmouth.
Tug of war team school sports June 1968183 viewsTug of war team school sports June 1968

Jim doing press-ups, Rich praying and Dave begging Pete to come back.
Ann, Jean Penny, Lynne Copping346 viewsBFES Singapore Schools Reunion, 13 September 2016 at Portsmouth.
No information on this one other than it was at the Tai Tong Restaurant.160 views
Girls School Baskets154 viewsMy thanks to Anna Googan for this photo. These baskets were in daily use by girls in school, and this original is photographed with school workbooks autographed by friends in 1967. Baskets were available on every street corner but are impossible to find nowadays.
Singapore Schools Reunion - Chandos Pub 15th Nov 2014243 viewschinatown
Singapore Schools Reunion - Chandos Pub 15th Nov 2014226 viewsTony Taucher, Hilary 'Youngman' Snellgrove, John O'Leary

Last additions - Anna Googan's Gallery
Barbara Belfield, Anna Googan, Hilary Youngman391 viewsBFES Singapore Schools Reunion, 13 September 2016 at Portsmouth.Sep 15, 2016
Jon Jefferis, Hilary Youngman, Ian Harvey317 viewsBFES Singapore Schools Reunion, 13 September 2016 at Portsmouth.Sep 15, 2016
Ann, Jean Penny, Lynne Copping346 viewsBFES Singapore Schools Reunion, 13 September 2016 at Portsmouth.Sep 15, 2016
Ann, Lynne Copping, Barbara Belfield279 viewsBFES Singapore Schools Reunion, 13 September 2016 at Portsmouth.Sep 15, 2016
Brats333 viewsBFES Singapore Schools Reunion, 13 September 2016 at Portsmouth.Sep 15, 2016
Jon Jefferis and Linda Kelloway268 viewsBFES Singapore Schools Reunion, 13 September 2016 at Portsmouth.Sep 15, 2016
Jon, Linda247 viewsBFES Singapore Schools Reunion, 13 September 2016 at Portsmouth.Sep 15, 2016
Derek and Lynnda Reed251 viewsBFES Singapore Schools Reunion, 13 September 2016 at Portsmouth.Sep 15, 2016