Phil Craze202 views
Rochester House179 views
Cheryl Thompson178 views
Barbara Hawke180 viewsBarbara Hawke (where is she now, I want to know)
Sandy Flood237 viewsPlaying silly buggers in the dorm (me)
Diane Barton, Haggis Flynn, Gill Handley and Jackie Slater.225 viewsDiane Barton, Haggis Flynn, Gill Handley and Jackie Slater.
Sandy Flood215 views Judith ?, Kay Maxwell, SANDY FLOOD (ME), Alison Walters
Sandy Flood and Alison Thompson207 viewsI am in the middle and Alison Thompson on left
Sonia Drake222 views
Sandy Flood227 viewsI am next to Alison here registering for the annual school sports day, ha ha, do you recognise anyone else?
Sandy Flood216 viewsThe back view of Phil craze and mates on our trip to town on sat morning. Cannot remember names of others.
Sandy Flood210 viewsI think this is the day when Phil and I fell out and discussing the situation with mates haha...Barbara on left