Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

15 Selarang Park Road, Changi311 viewsMy thanks to Marion Body for this photo. Marion lived here with her sister Madeliene (Maddy) in 1968. They were there for about a year with her father Malcolm, an officer (Lieutenant or Captain) in REME and mother Marguerite (Peggy). Marion particularly remembers the stories of how hundreds of POWs were billeted in the house that the four of them then occupied.
15 Selarang Park Road - rear view283 viewsMy thanks to Marion Body for this photo.
Cameron Hotel301 viewsA 2006 photo of the Cameron Hotel, thanks to Peter Chan. It was popular with RAF personnel in transit to the UK after their engagement was over. Cameron Hotel is located at Guan Soon Avenue, off Upper Changi Road. Jeffery Abdullah adds, that this hotel is located very near to Simei Housing Estate. If you take the MRT, the station that you need to alight will be SIMEI MRT Stn and then its a walking distance cutting through the footpath next to the new condominiums and private houses.
The Manstonettes351 viewsMartin Woodward sent this photo which was taken in 1959 at the RAF base in Changi in the scout hut which was on the perimeter of Changi airfield.

My father was stationed there from 1956/57/58/59, I was 13yrs old and lived in Manston road with my Mother Isobel.

While I was there, some friends who lived in the same road and I formed a group called the Manstonettes.

This photo shows me on the double base, next to me not known, and the three others were David and Colin Stocker with their younger brother Peter.

Does anyone remember the Manstonettes and the unknown guitarist?
RAF Changi287 viewsScanned from 'farewell to Changi' article in the last Changi Informer.
RAF Changi294 viewsScanned from 'farewell to Changi' article in the last Changi Informer.
RAF Changi276 viewsScanned from 'farewell to Changi' article in the last Changi Informer.
RAF Changi312 viewsScanned from 'farewell to Changi' article in the last Changi Informer.
RAF Changi319 viewsScanned from 'farewell to Changi' article in the last Changi Informer.
RAF Changi334 viewsScanned from 'farewell to Changi' article in the last Changi Informer.
Changi Creek Hotel389 viewsScanned from 'farewell to Changi' article in the last Changi Informer.
RAF Changi323 viewsScanned from 'farewell to Changi' article in the last Changi Informer.
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