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A visit by The Duke of Edinburgh

My thanks to Tony Wheeler for these photos of a visit by Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh to St. John's in February 1965.  Hugh Wheeler who was the Headmaster at the time, is the man in a suit accompanying the Duke. There are lots of student faces in these photos, so it would be interesting to know if you recognise yourself or others, why not leave a message in the Forum or email me.

St. John's - Duke of Edinburgh visit - photo 1 St. John's - Duke of Edinburgh visit - photo 2 St. John's - Duke of Edinburgh visit - photo 3 St. John's - Duke of Edinburgh visit - photo 4
St. John's - Duke of Edinburgh visit - photo 5 St. John's - Duke of Edinburgh visit - photo 6

shows Joanne Smith (teacher) taking a picture, daughter Amanda looking pensively.*3

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St. John's - Duke of Edinburgh visit - photo 9 St. John's - Duke of Edinburgh visit - photo 10

Recognised by Graham Watts - Juliette de Silva. she is the girl in the front row with long plaited hair.

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Duke of Edinburgh talking to Kevan Daykin.
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St. John's - Duke of Edinburgh visit - photo 13

Lindy Siegert said that

"The Duke was taken with the very large camera being held by Lorna Ironmonger and stepped forward to ask her about it."

"I know because I was standing next to her - somewhat obscure by the girl prefect and the blonde boy - but that is me in the cardigan."
St. John's - Duke of Edinburgh visit - photo 14


Mike Ridley is in this

photo. *1

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Here the Duke is talking to Linda Kelloway.  The girl with the camera is believed to be Linda Mair *2

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shows Joanne Smith (teacher) having a laugh with the Duke, daughter Amanda with her eyes closed and son Christopher with his sun hat on. *3

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Jim Catchpole and Rob Harwood feature in this photo. *1

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Caption information provided by *1 Lynne Copping.  *2 Linda Kelloway.  *3 Peter Smith.